Redefining Life Purpose

Have you ever thought “what is my purpose”?  It’s a BIG question to ponder.  Like many reflective, life-impacting questions this can bring up lots of thoughts and feelings about oneself.  Which then leads down the rabbit-hole of even more thought-provoking questions.

Are you in the right…

  • career

  • relationships

  • spiritual path

  • [enter major life circumstance here] 

  • Focusing on the right things?


  • Are you making a difference?

  • Are you wasting valuable time or missing important opportunities?


When things aren’t going well or you’re feeling disconnected in your life or career, it’s common that the thought “what’s my purpose?” makes its way into your mind.

Maybe you are meant for something greater.  

That could be true.  

For some, they’ve always known what they wanted or were meant to do and made clear choices to follow that path. 

For many of us, that big-picture, life-affirming plan is less clear.  

Most people want to believe we are all meant to do something big, impactful, powerful, and of greatness.  

So when time passes by and you’re still not moving up in your career as you planned or life isn’t what you had dreamed it would be, the weight of this big question can create:

  • anxiety, 

  • judgment, 

  • shame, 

  • sadness, 

  • guilt, 

  • embarrassment, 

  • confusion, 

  • and disillusionment.  


Your purpose can change over time.

What drives and excites you today may change in a different season of life.

You may have taken a path once full of creative passion that now has fizzled out or simply run its course.

THAT IS NORMAL…and OK to check it off the bucket list and move on. 

It could be time to reevaluate where you are today, what your priorities are, and if you have the same desires and goals.

If you decide they are the same, you can realign and determine a plan to get back on track for following that path.

If time has sent you on a new path with different passions, priorities and values then let yourself release what no longer serves you.

Let it go. Without judgement.

Remember, you are allowed to change your mind and direction.

You have more life experience to be utilized and harnessed in a new, powerful way.


Life Purpose also doesn’t have to be so obvious or conspicuous that those around you look at you and “see” your purpose. 

If you think something specifically is your purpose and feel strongly it will bring you fulfillment, then it’s worth exploring.

If you’re still unsure of your purpose, I invite you to ponder this…

You are important to everyone around you.  

You impact everyone you directly come into contact with and thus, indirectly all those that those humans come into contact with too. 

So for today, start with focusing on being the best version of you.

Allow everyone that has entered your orbit in this world to feel that positive effect of you being you in all of your glory.  

It’s not about living in perfection.

It’s about being unapologetically and uniquely you. Including your imperfections.

Deep human connections are built through adversity including demonstrating real emotions (the whole spectrum) in a way that still allows people to feel seen, heard and understood.

Striving to bring your best efforts to a life worth living and being an example of what being human having a human experience can look like.


Maybe you’re like me and don’t believe everyone has one monumental life purpose. 

In my corporate days, I felt a disconnect with my career and what I was doing on a day-to-day basis. I definitely wondered “what is the purpose to all of this?”.

After years of self-development, self-discovery and spiritual journeys, I discovered I no longer needed to define myself by having a single purpose (i.e. job title, career milestone).

I stopped wondering if that on my deathbed I’ll have some inspirational moment of reflection believing one area of focus in my life allowed me to feel…

“oh yes, I fulfilled my life purpose changing the world by doing that one great thing.”


I believe my purpose is to try my best to take care of the mind, body and spirit I was given so that I can exemplify (& hopefully encourage)… 

  • Forgiveness when mistakes are made

  • Kindness even when I disagree

  • Confidence in my own abilities to learn & do better

  • Holding space and active listening so others feel heard

  • Respect for myself, my beliefs, and my needs

  • Open and honest communication even when it’s hard

  • Deeply heart-felt expressions of love to those around me

Working towards this purpose is not always easy and I’m definitely not a rockstar at living these actions everyday.  What I do know, is I for sure feel more in control, calm and self-assured in my abilities to make these things happen.  

Self-reflection, perseverance, development & self-acceptance isn’t about being selfish and not thinking of others.  

This is about taking care of you so that you can help others.  

Being of service to others and living a life within community has proven societally important.  That’s not in question here.  

If your proverbial cup is full, it can then pour over into others…and that’s a purpose that deeply impacts the greater good. 

Knowing “I AM my life’s purpose” allows you to then calmly, openly, and objectively look at what other unique abilities, gifts, and values you bring to the table that can make an impact.

In my career, that is coaching others to find their way to feeling confident about defining & prioritizing their personal life values as it relates to creating a career that ultimately allows them to live a life deeply fulfilled. 

Though I find great value in my career, it isn’t my sole purpose. I’m a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and fellow human stumbling through life and if at the end of the day I’ve given more good to world than I’ve taken…I consider that worthy.

You too are more than one thing. The need for you to step into one or many of your life roles will emerge each day the earth orbits the sun. Deciding what you will do, once that purpose reveals it’s need, is taking the first step towards fulfilling your life purpose.


With all that said…Now it’s your turn to discover what YOU believe. 

Answer the following questions after allowing yourself to let go of the what-if’s, should’s, could’s, and need-to’s so as you reflect on “YOU are your purpose”.

If you were living life as your best self…

  • How much brainpower would be freed to think about things you love to do?

  • What unique values, skills and personal attributes do you have that you could use as your superpower?

  • Who would benefit from you living confidently, calmly, boldly, and with more joy?

  • If money wasn’t a concern, what would you do with your time?

  • Does “You are your Purpose” resonate?  If no, what doesn’t connect for you?

  • What could you do today to “fill your cup” so completely it would allow you to run over with more to give to others?


Trying to define your life into one single purpose can feel profound and seemingly allow your mind to get lazer focused on what direction you should go.

In reality though, life circumstances, experiences & personal growth will ultimately throw a curveball your way causing a detour.

Focusing on the present moment and what your purpose is today is actionable, controllable, and impactful for living a life full of purpose.

One life with many purposes fulfilled along the way.

Sending you warm, loving thoughts that you have the answers within you if you just allow yourself the time to find them.  

By your side.



I’m Lisa Pirinelli, a Career + Life Coach for women professional determined to unapologetically live their best life.

Being driven to succeed professionally is an asset only when it aligns with your personal values and successfully impacts your life.

Being the best only matters when you’re the best version of YOU.

Your goals. Your vision. Your life. Defined by you.

Coaching women professionals to successfully lead a career that works with their lifestyle by eliminating self-doubt, overwhelm, guilt, and fear to confidently make the bold decisions and transitions to achieve the goals that align with the vision for their life.

Be you. Authentically and Confidently.


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