LIFE COACHING isn’t about living in perfection.

It’s about EMBRACING YOUR UNIQUENESS to make changes and simply THRIVE IN YOUR LIFE.


My Journey

We all have a story and I’m no exception.

I first found coaching after 15 years in Corporate America at a Fortune 500 company where I had been determined to move up and create a successful career.

I thought if I worked hard, sacrificed by working longer hours, and moved into better paying, more-revered titled positions all the stress and time lost would all be worth it.

But the reality is, no promotion ever brought long-lasting satisfaction.

I was overworked, underpaid, continuously threatened by mass lay-offs and just didn’t feel passionate about my work.

I ended up having so many health issues continuously pop-up from the stress and disconnect to my personal values that working became nearly impossible. Still, I kept going determined that I just needed to persevere, push down the pain, stayed focused and meet my professional goals.

I’d remind myself to “pull up my big girl pants and keep moving.”

The truth I wasn’t seeing - was that my values and life goals no longer aligned with my career, it wasn’t serving me mentally, physically, or spiritually.

I felt I was meant to do something more meaningful and to be of service to others in a big way, but I didn’t know how to make that change.

These fears and lack of clarity of what steps to take kept me in a constant cycle of confusion, frustration, and limiting beliefs.

  • How do I leave a known consistent salary?

  • How will I replace my income?

  • Who do I think I am to start my own business when I have no experience or networking in this area?

  • I’m too far into my career to walk away now…Am I too old to start over?

  • What will my friends, family, and colleagues think about me?

  • Am I being unrealistic?

Eventually, my body made the call for me and I had to make a change. I could no longer dismiss what was so obvious to many Doctors I paid good money to ignore. Stress and anxiety were severely damaging my body. What the Doctors couldn’t do was provide me a plan for turning it all around.

I had hoped for a sign that I was meant to walk away. I prayed that God would need to take my job away because I didn’t have the courage to do it on my own. Soon after, I got laid off. I was scared, but I did actually see that it was sign I needed.

But to be honest…it took two more lay offs within the same company to actually get the courage to walk away.


Coaching came into my life. I hired a life coach and eventually discovered where my super power lies…helping other women get out of their own way to live an authentically fulfilling life achieving their specific goals.

With my years of corporate experience, Coaching Certification program, Coach training and many free coaching hours honing my skills, I created a business that works for my life.

Now…I get to help all the women who find me in their path and are determined to live a better way.

  • Don't let years pass by staying in something that isn't serving your highest good. That is invaluable time you can't get back for yourself or your family. Be the example of what a great life can look like by living it.

    -My Life Lessons Learned