Career+Life Lessons from the Waterpark

Winter break officially started this week so I took my kiddo on a girls' trip with a friend and her daughter to an indoor water park.

Hearing the adorable giggles from two 5-year old's thinking they're big stuff for staying up late was salve for the soul.

But, I did not realize the wisdom I was about to gain from going down a waterslide.

I should've lessons happen when (& where) you least expect them...if you're only willing to stop and pay attention.

The Adventure Begins

In the beginning of our waterpark adventure, my cautious kiddo took a little warming up to attempt even the small waterslide in the shallow pool, so when one hour later we started our 3rd trip up the ceiling-height stairs of the big slides and she told me she wanted to go down the unexplored "terrifying" tube slide...


and first,

I was surprised,


then my parent brain kicked into high gear.

I said to her brave, determined little face:

"You know if we get to the top, you have to go down the slide...there's no way back down."

"Are you sure you want to go first?"

"To be clear, You don't want momma to try it first and wait for you down at the pool?"

Her cautiousness obviously doesn't fall far from the tree for a reason.

I was truly trying to keep my voice encouraging and calm, but I now see my questioning was anything but inspiring.

Ah, parenting.

A constant reminder of one's own limiting beliefs.


The Journey

At the top of those high-in-the-sky stairs, she bravely climbed her little body into what I then deemed a huge death-defying tube with a ridiculously massive black hole where at the first turn she’d slip through and get tossed around the super-fast, sloshing waves within the slide plummeting into the tide pool where she'd get sucked under the current because a distracted teenage lifeguard would not grab her and pull her to safety.

My brain went way towards the dramatic and not helpful (or reality-based) at all.

But, I took a deep breath knowing that this was her moment, not mine.

She was about to conquer the big-kid proclaimed "dark and terrifying" slide all on her own and it was my job to let her experience this right of passage into trying something new, scary and incredibly awesome.

So, my last words of wisdom to her were...

"Whatever you do, do NOT let go of the handles!"

Wow, even at the last moment, I couldn't just let my fear go or even muster pretend excitement to say "Go for it!" or "You've GOT this!"

Nope. I didn't take the high road.

So as I watched her take off, not knowing what she was experiencing, I impatiently waited until the “GO” light turned green and I was allowed my turn.

This slide was dark, fast and had wildly sloshing pools along the way tossing my adult body around like a rag doll.

I kept praying "please don't let me run over my kiddo along the way."

Oh yes, more dramatics.


The Lessons Learned

My greatest partner for adventuring out of my comfort zone.

When I finally saw light at the end of the tunnel and was pushed into the open water I looked to her beautiful little face safely on the steps of the pool, shining a HUGE, proud, ear-to-ear smile and all while giving me a thumbs-up.

She was proud of ME. She was giving ME a thumbs-up.

I was blown-away that this kiddo had just bravely took a step into a big, new adventure and she shared her pride with me.

Like most of us, she enjoyed me validating her experience with praise and accolades of her bravery but I could tell she felt it herself.

It was her accomplishment and she knew it.


The Brain’s Job: Protection or Limitation

Our mind just wants to protect us from the unknown. That's its job.

But it's OURS to question those limiting beliefs.

To see how we're holding ourselves back from what could be just the thing that allows us to experience something incredible.

To grow in a way in a way we hadn’t imagined possible.

To start smiling ear-to-ear because we believed in ourself.


Wishing you all these incredible life lessons and more. Be brave. Go conquer. And I honestly mean it…You’ve Got THIS!

Everyone’s situation is different and having someone there to encourage and guide you every step of the way helps you get clear on what you want, stay accountable and focus on your goals.

Be you. Authentically and Confidently.


New Year Resolution to make your Time-Off actually work for you.


Making Friendships Work When You’re Too Busy