Your Life + Career

Yes Plan

Knowing when to say YES! to make work & life fit together.


will show you where you’re saying yes to things getting in your way from feeling…

  • MORE confidence

  • More organized

  • MORE in control of your time

    Are you wanting…

    ✔️ to say “YES!” to the things that matter most and feeling certain when you’re saying “No”?

    ✔️ strength and control in owning your schedule?

    ✔️ clearly defined career & personal goals?

    ✔️ successful career decisions?

    ✔️ stronger communication within your relationships?

    ✔️ clearer boundary setting to protect your energy?

    ✔️ stop sacrificing your needs to please others?

Saying the word yes to all the demands on your time is easy…

but that quick response is keeping you from accomplishing what you really want.

Knowing you should say no to some things seems logical,

and yet that small, simple word causes all kinds of emotions when it’s time to say it to others:

  • Guilt

  • Overwhelm

  • Exhaustion

  • Anxiety

  • Frustration

  • Fear of Judgement

  • Pressure on you, your time, your family

By learning the 6 YES TYPES defined in my free download, you can see where you are saying yes to things that are not serving you.

Use this guide to discover your default Yes obstacles and create a plan to redefine and refocus how & where you are prioritizing your time.

Look at where to focus and make key decisions for what you want your life to look like…for your career AND you personally.

This free PDF will help you get clear on your priorities and where saying “Yes” might be getting in the way of you creating a well-balanced, healthier, more successful you.

Say goodbye to your default “yes” response by saying “YES!” to what matters most to YOU.

Wishing you the strength & fortitude to say YES to a life + career designed just for YOU by YOU.

Have questions about your Yes Plan? I want to help!

I made this guide to be in service of you so let me know your feedback.

Reach out to me @lisapirinellicoaching on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Email me directly at