Make your life and career work for you.

Hello! I’m Lisa Pirinelli.

Lisa Pirinelli, Life & Career Coach

I help women professionals create a career strategy that works for their lifestyle.

However you stumbled upon me, I'm glad you're here! My mission is to help you create a career and life that is intentional, purposeful and unapologetically right for you.

This starts with simple steps to:

  • make clear decisions on your career strategy

  • avoid the blindspots keeping you from making bold choices

  • take ownership of your career & how it needs to work for you

  • be your definition of successful without overwhelm or burnout

  • confidently speak on your value & what your unique genius brings to any organization

  • create more time for you and your family

It is possible to figure out what you are meant to do and do it in a way that feels in alignment with the way you actually want to be living.

More freedom.

More control of your time.

More aligned with who you are now.

You work hard at your career to be successful and there is a path for you to meet that goal and not lose yourself along the way.

If you’re here, then you know you’re meant to live better with a career that feeds your soul, not takes away from your joy.

When you’re ready to make the change to take back ownership of your life & career and get out of the cycle of overwhelm & confusion as to what to do next…schedule an appointment and let's get started.

Are you ready to make your career work for you?

IDENTIFY the issues

What is not working in your career? 
How is this impacting your life?
Do you need to make small or big changes?

ENVISION what you really want

What matters most to you in this season of life? 
Do you need to pivot or just realign?
Is it time to reevaluate your goals?

PLAN for success

Do you know which steps to take next?
Are you clear on your top priorities?
What is in your control to change?

KNOW your why

 Why do you want to make career & life changes?
What is your key motivator for wanting this?
Are you ready to do the work to make things better?

Design your career and life as defined by you.

Your choices.

Your decisions.

Your success.

With guidance, support, & encouragement from a coach that believes you’re meant to be living your best life with an amazing career.

Choosing to start making a change is the first step.

When things aren’t going the way you planned and your head is already spinning in doubt, indecision and overwhelm sometimes you just want someone to tell you what your next step should be to get to where you want to be.

The truth is, the answers to what you want and need to do are within you…but you feel stuck because making decisions to make changes feels risky, uncomfortable and uncertain.

Our minds are programmed to keep us comfortable...even if that means staying in discomfort because it's what we know.

That’s why having a coach helps stop the mind drama, indecision, and actually helps shine the light on your blindspots.

It takes more than motivational words from books, blogs, podcasts, and influencers to take inspired action when you’re feeling unsure and insecure.

The process for getting the career & life you want can be simple...but not easy when you're already feeling alone, confused, and depleted.

Coaching gets you moving towards your goal by having an experienced, trusted, unbiased, judgement-free person on your side guiding you every step of the way.

Come Join Me! You can find me on…

Simple Work-Life Balance Strategies you can implement TODAY!

How I work with you…

Private Coaching


Every client has different goals, obstacles, and reasons for wanting to make a change in their life or career.

Together we'll discuss where you are, determine where you want to be and create a plan to get your career goals successfully aligned with your life values.

The process is simple and effective.

Private coaching is a relationship of trust, encouragement and guidance.

It's important for the coach-client relationship to be a great fit.

If you know you're ready to make a change but still unsure how the process works then let's connect.

We'll talk it out and see if working together is the right fit and at the right time for you.